For both business and private flights
Unsure whether to travel by car or train? Optimise your business trips and increase productivity instead by choosing to fly!
Would you like to plan air travel for your business?
Contact us
Open for public air travel, Laval and Mayenne Airport is a local airport. Situated in the west of France, close to Brittany and with onsite border control, the airport also enables international services.
Whether you are a business leader, a keen beginner or experienced pilot, Laval Airport guarantees you a secure and high performing infrastructure.
Unsure whether to travel by car or train? Optimise your business trips and increase productivity instead by choosing to fly!
Would you like to plan air travel for your business?
Contact us
Laval and Mayenne Airport is host to many recreational activities offered by various clubs and associations (aeroclub, microlight, skydiving, gliding, flying school…). A complete and wide range of equipment to ensure both functionality and ease.
Follow your passion in complete freedom!